Round-by-round Analysis
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Average Scorecard
Select Round
Sandy Ryan
Round 1
Terri Harper
Average Score
Round 1: The % of users that awarded the round to each fighter?
50% of users scored in favour of Ryan
50% of users scored in favour of Harper
Round 1 Winning Reasons Breakdown
No reasons given for Harper in this round
No reasons given for Harper in this round
No reasons given for Harper in this round
Sandy Ryan
Round 2
Terri Harper
Average Score
Round 2: The % of users that awarded the round to each fighter?
100% of users scored in favour of Ryan
0% of users scored in favour of Harper
Round 2 Winning Reasons Breakdown
No reasons given for Harper in this round
No reasons given for Harper in this round
No reasons given for Harper in this round
Sandy Ryan
Round 3
Terri Harper
Average Score
Round 3: The % of users that awarded the round to each fighter?
100% of users scored in favour of Ryan
0% of users scored in favour of Harper
Round 3 Winning Reasons Breakdown
No reasons given for Harper in this round
No reasons given for Harper in this round
No reasons given for Harper in this round
Sandy Ryan
Round 4
Terri Harper
Average Score
Round 4: The % of users that awarded the round to each fighter?
100% of users scored in favour of Ryan
0% of users scored in favour of Harper
Round 4 Winning Reasons Breakdown
No reasons given for Harper in this round
No reasons given for Harper in this round
No reasons given for Harper in this round