Round-by-round Analysis
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Average Scorecard
Select Round
Israil Madrimov
Round 1
Magomed Kurbanov
Average Score
Round 1: The % of users that awarded the round to each fighter?
100% of users scored in favour of Madrimov
0% of users scored in favour of Kurbanov
Round 1 Winning Reasons Breakdown
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
Israil Madrimov
Round 2
Magomed Kurbanov
Average Score
Round 2: The % of users that awarded the round to each fighter?
100% of users scored in favour of Madrimov
0% of users scored in favour of Kurbanov
Round 2 Winning Reasons Breakdown
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
Israil Madrimov
Round 3
Magomed Kurbanov
Average Score
Round 3: The % of users that awarded the round to each fighter?
75% of users scored in favour of Madrimov
25% of users scored a draw
0% of users scored in favour of Kurbanov
Round 3 Winning Reasons Breakdown
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
Israil Madrimov
Round 4
Magomed Kurbanov
Average Score
Round 4: The % of users that awarded the round to each fighter?
75% of users scored in favour of Madrimov
25% of users scored a draw
0% of users scored in favour of Kurbanov
Round 4 Winning Reasons Breakdown
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round
No reasons given for Kurbanov in this round